Spray starch is one of the best inventions for ironing quilting fabrics. Not only does it makes ironing fun, but the whole process of quilting also becomes a lot more fun and accurate. All you need to do is buy quilters spray misting bottle and you can make your homemade starch spray. But if you are someone who prefers to use water instead of starch water, you might want to stop doing that. Spray starch is considered much better for quilts as compared to water. Keep reading to know why. You need a lot of water to get rid of the deep creases When using water, you have to get the fabric wet and hold the iron down on it for a very long time to get rid of the deep creases. Merely damping the fabric doesn’t work here. Also, the fabric gets so wet, so you have to waste a lot of time again to iron until it dries. On the other hand, only a few squirts of spray starch can help you get rid of the deepest packing creases out in just 10-20 seconds. Water doesn’t stiffen the fabric...